welcome to my small website!

hi! i'm fra

i plan on making this a little bit more cozy in the next few days. in the meantime, i'll just use it as a list of to-do things for after i am done with my uni exams.

i hope this is the beginning of something beautiful!

list of things i would like to do

things i want to do when i'll have some free time:

things i am actually doing

i recently played luggage retrieval officer for GBA and i really liked it

i am reading the third book of the neapolitan novels from Elena Ferrante

i really like listening to power pizza podcast 🍕


have a little pic as a treat:

'sitting cat', by Julie de Graag, 1917. it is an image of a white cat on a light blue background.
Sitting cat, Julie de Graag, 1917

i am in the process of adopting a cat myself. when i finally do this section will be spammed with some actual cat photos!

links and stuff

link to my thestorygraph profile

link to my letterboxd profile